International Peace Garden Foundation
Let the seeds of peace begin here and spread throughout the world
The International Peace Garden Trail Today
Located in upper New York State, this trail evolved initially from 2010 - 2016 and is home to our original
"War of 1812 Bi=Centennial Peace Garden Trail".
Today Honorary International Peace Gardens are expanding in the USA and Abroad
As we expand, new Honorary International Peace Gardens support our message of peace throughout the world, with the installation of Commemorative Stones and Interpretive Panels.
Denotes our Official Honorary International Peace Garden Trail Members

Constable Hall 2023 Constableville NY USA
The historic home that inspired "Twas The Night Before Christmas" Constable Hall is open for inside tours through the month of September on Wednesday through Saturday 10-4:00, and Sundays 1-4:00.
The last day for inside tours will be typically be late September of each year. Inside tours will recommence early the following year.

Daemen University 2023 *** Amherst NY USA
This exciting collaboration brings together Daemen University, IPGF and The Ringo Starr Peace and Love Initiative, made possible through the facilitation of Astridge International!
To learn more about this partnership and for immediate information, please click the links below.
*** First Honorary International Peace Garden to host a Ringo Starr Peace and Love Statue !